
Science & Technology

Key Ideas in Physics #1

What makes it not so simple to understand the Physics behind something? Perhaps, because the simple fundamental ideas underlying Physics is not so well understood. People, often, are not able to think in a simple and logical way just because they are under a constant imagination of a textbook world (full of diagrams and equations)… Continue reading Key Ideas in Physics #1

Philosophy of Science

Mathematics – Significance in Physics

Why the answers to questions of quantum mechanics always need to resort to mathematics whereas the answers to questions of classical mechanics need not always invoke the mathematics? The physics of classical mechanics seems very intuitive to us. We understand phenomena involving classical mechanics, due to our senses and experiences, in a way that it… Continue reading Mathematics – Significance in Physics

Philosophy of Science, Random Musings, Social Issues

Choice and Action

Does our mere belief on a theory about the working of the universe has the greater potential to make us do what we are supposed to do? We shall try to reach an answer to the above question by the end of this article. Let us start by examining two broad models that the theory… Continue reading Choice and Action

Social Issues

The Crisis of Education

In India, a large chunk of students post-matriculation do not give a well balanced thought before choosing their preferred  stream of study for their intermediate. The due thought that is to be given before choosing any subject as the preferred one for further study is absent. It is tempting for someone who is looking from outside… Continue reading The Crisis of Education

Science & Technology

Blackbody Radiation

What is a ''blackbody''? The natural and common-sensical answer to the question asked here would be ‘’a body looking perfectly black’’. But it is not the color of the body that has earned it the name. In fact, the name is not-at-all ‘’self-explanatory’’. It is a scientific term used to denote a body that absorbs… Continue reading Blackbody Radiation

Philosophy of Science

Classical Determinism to Quantum Uncertainty

Till the late 19th century, physicists were staunch believers of the classical idea of determinism - a philosophy which ascribes a particular ‘’cause’’ to every ‘’effect’’. The idea that every effect is determined by the cause of the effect is the idea of classical determinism. A cause-effect relationship was thought to be the single most… Continue reading Classical Determinism to Quantum Uncertainty

Philosophy of Science

Scientific Observations

In my previous blog titled ‘Observing the Observations’, I talked about the importance of observations in our life and why to care for observing things in the right way to extract the right information. In this blog, I will try and explain the idea with the help of an example taken from science. Let us… Continue reading Scientific Observations

Philosophy of Science, Random Musings

Observing the Observations

How many things you think you observe enough to be able to gain something from the observations? The question posed here should start to push you towards thinking how you make, record and analyze your observations on something. If the question does not hit you enough, try imagine the difference between passively looking at something… Continue reading Observing the Observations

Social Issues

Democracy and Development

In western countries, the notion of democracy evolved out of recognizing the individual rights of liberty. This form of democracy is called ‘liberal democracy’. India has a different past – one which has led to the realization of a ‘collective identity’ which is more prominent than the ‘individual identity’ of its citizens. This has resulted… Continue reading Democracy and Development

Random Musings

Owning Our Own time

Why is it important to realize what is worth your time and what is not? Most people do not even question themselves about the allocation of their own time. We think that we are doing something that is extremely useful. Whereas, analyzing the tasks closely would reveal that they fail even to satisfy the definition… Continue reading Owning Our Own time

Social Issues

Curious Minds – the powerhouse of knowledge

“The most curious brain in the world is the brain of a child”. Knowledge is driven by Curiosity. Where there is curiosity, inventions and discoveries are just by-products. Curiosity is the only prerequisite of acquiring knowledge. For a child to be inherently capable of acquiring knowledge and keen to discover the unknown, the inner curiosity… Continue reading Curious Minds – the powerhouse of knowledge

Science & Technology

Infrared Temperature Sensors

What makes Infrared (IR) temperature sensors different from other temperature sensors? The IR sensors are non-contact sensors as opposed to the other contact-based temperature sensors. The IR sensor technology was invented in need of temperature monitoring in such situations where contact-based measurement is not possible. Such situations arise in industries, medical applications such as in… Continue reading Infrared Temperature Sensors

Education, Physics, Undergraduate

Classical Mechanics Central Forces – Two Body Problem

classical-mechanics-central-forcesDownload Central Forces play a very important role in physics. Two fundamental forces forces of nature - gravitational and electromagnetic fores are central in nature. Studying the dynamics of particles subject to central forces becomes essential in physics. The present handout is a thorough mathematical description of central forces, taking the specific example of gravitional… Continue reading Classical Mechanics Central Forces – Two Body Problem

Education, Solved Problems

Quantum Mechanics (Physics) Solutions-NET June 2019

There are various exams conducted in India for entrance to different educational institutions at various levels. CSIR NET is conducted every year twice as an eligibility test for getting into PhD programs of various institutions and also as an eligibility test for lectureship in various colleges in India. This post is the first of a… Continue reading Quantum Mechanics (Physics) Solutions-NET June 2019